who we


The Story so far...

Eva and Sunil began with a vision and mission to educate 500 children living on the streets of Dhaka.
They knew that the only way to break the endless cycle of poverty was through quality education.

The effort began with a mere 500 Dirhams and a handful of students.

In just a few years, The Choice to Change has rapidly scaled up with the help of generous donations to change the lives of over 160 children – with 2 schools (in Khilkhet and Lalmati), 9 full-time teachers, a project officer and director, a school nurse, a social worker, a cook, and a cleaner.

The Choice to Change is happy to announce that in 2017, out of the 2nd batch of 20 students who appeared in the Primary School Certificate (PSC) examination, 14 students secured the highest grade- A+ and another 6 achieved the second highest rank.

How we began...

The story of ‘The Choice to Change’ literally started with a bang – a volcanic eruption.

Eva Kernova, a resident of UAE, had to cancel her holiday to Europe because of the ash cloud from the erupting Eyjafjallajokull in Iceland, and instead found herself in Dhaka, Bangladesh. What she saw there changed her life.

“It was 2010 and people were living in conditions like hell.”

The plight so moved Eva that she chose to bring a change in the lives of the children there. The result was ‘The Choice to Change’, a foundation (NGO) that works for the betterment of children in Dhaka, which she started with Sunil Baroi, from Bangladesh.

Mohammed Loch, President & CEO of DMS Global, who believes in The Choice to Change’s mission joined in to make the foundation more professional and help with fundraising.

Behind the

    • Eva Kernova
      Founder, Director

      A citizen of Slovakia and resident of UAE, Eva is the driving force behind The Choice to Change.

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    • Sunil Chanchal Baroi
      Co-Founder, Director Of Operations

      Sunil has extensive experience working with various charity foundations and non-profit organizations.

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    • Mohammed Loch
      Partner, Executive Director

      President & CEO of DMS Global - Mohammed is a strong supporter and contributor of The Choice to Change.

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Executive Board(Approved by Joint Stock Companies & Firms -14/07/2017)

    • Probudhan Shawjal

      Has vast experience with different local and international organizations such as ‘World Vision.’

    • Konika Mondol

      An advocate of Judge Court, Dhaka.

    • Sunil Chanchal Baroi
      Member Secretary/Executive Director

      Has strong experience with several charity foundations and non-profit organizations. He has worked more

    • Md. Farhan Shahriar

      Has worked across local and multinational companies. He is the Gold Award holder and Award more

    • David Hilton

      He works with CIRDAP.

    • Willam Palton Madhu

      Treasurer at The Choice to Change, William works with the country’s largest power generation company.

    • Kiron Corraya

      An advocate of Judge Court, Dhaka.


In February 2011, The Choice to Change was officially endorsed by the government of Bangladesh as a ‘Trusteeship,’ under the name of ‘The Choice to Change Bangladesh Trust.’ The organization was granted ‘Society Status’ in March 2013 and is now titled ‘The Choice to Change Foundation’ and is officially an NGO operating in Bangladesh. The Choice to Change also holds a registration from NGOAB as on 5th November 2015.
It has the following Registration Number: NGOAB – 2979

The Choice to Change is a foundation approved by the Bangladesh NGO Bureau, audited by KPMG and has Clyde & Co. as legal advisors.  The Choice to Change is in the process of registering as a UK and US charity.

Our Annual Report

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Our Sponsors

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